First step with ITE

When you run the program, an empty main window is displayed. In the File menu of this window, select "create a new document". This will bring up a formula allowing you to specify the document markup. This preferences are about, in particular, how to locate the transcriptions and glosses of sentences, words, and morphemes, etc. Accept the formula as presented, without modification.

Now a new window will appear inside the main window. At the top of this window are four tabs corresponding to the four levels of granularity at which the annotation can be viewed and edited. At the bottom are buttons to move from sentence to sentence within the document.

The editing window (word level) inside the main window.

To enter annotation, first choose the level of analysis that you wish to enter. If you choose the text level (by clicking on the text tab), you will be presented with two large text fields, the upper one for entering the transcription of the whole text, the lower for entering its translation. The sentence-level editor similarly opens two text fields, but each is limited to a single line (which can be very long). In the word editor, a sentence is presented divided into words, with each word in a frame. The morpheme-level display is similar to the word-level one, except that the word frames are divided into sub-frames, each corresponding to a morpheme. In the word and morpheme frames, the upper level is a text field for the transcription, and the lower level is a menu with two choices, either to accept a proposed or existing gloss or to enter a different one.